Our last full day before we head home and Kerryn has organised for a friend of hers, who has access to a car and a driver, to take us with her to the Crazy Market. At first I wasn't sure whether this was to be a specialty market for crazies. But no, it is just a huge crazy area of blocks and blocks of shops, as usual, set out in groups of the same type of thing. There were the clothes blocks, the toy blocks, the stationery blocks etc and in each of these we found shops selling just scarves, just huge soft toys, just pens and, to take the cake, just head bands. And on the way we drove along a street with shops of just sewing machines! Of course, because we were in the thick of it, we see many more quirky sights.
This really was a crazy shopping experience, and I could have kept buying lots of useless things. However, I pulled up with one $7 watch (to replace the $350 one I lost a couple of days before I left home) and two pots of bright nail polish with cute little tops, for grand daughters. I again had a good couple of hours people watching.
We stopped for lunch, after the locals asking where we might eat, at a back ally kitchen with a chef in a newspaper hat and an upfront lady with a foghorn voice. We chose whatever ingredients we wanted from her selection set out in dishes or hanging on a frame, and Herald Boy stir fried up a storm. I wasn't too excited about the hairy beans but the rest was superb.
Sandra and her driver were a very welcome way of getting around AND the car was a Buick again.
Home and we are babysitting the kids of our hosts, eating Chinese takeaway and playing Uno. This is a reminder of my grandchildren at home and I'm a bit homesick again. Will be lovely to see some of them for Easter.