Saturday, 30 March 2013

Saturday March 23

A bit of a sleep in at our Sheraton digs before heading to the International Bazaar and Mosque. Entirely different from the Karakol and Bishkek markets, this was housed in a purpose built brick structure complete with minarets and a mosque next door. They made a great spectacle against the sky which was fairly clear by Chinese standards. 

This being the Old Silk Road area, everything is tainted with that past in mind. We had our photos taken with camels and genie bottles and enjoyed the spectacle of neatly set out stalls of colourful spices, knives, horse/camel whips, ornate metal jewellery, scarves, hats, fancy toed shoes and belly dancing costumes. I'm in trouble! I only know the Russian Ni Nada for "I don't need it."


After last nights mouth fizzing stir fry, we gave in to KFC which I had not tasted in years - it hasn't changed. The berry pastry I bought tasted of chicken batter, but I did enjoy a Milo!!!
We took our lives in hands trying to catch a taxi back to the hotel. You need to leap into the flow of traffic as soon as you see one letting people out.

We need to be on our way to the airport for the trip to Xian by 3.30 pm, so there is just time to dodge more traffic,even though there are two pedestrian crossings side by side, and cross to the Xianthang Museum to see the history of this area. Fascinating things, including mummies over a thousand years old, yurts which are the dwellings of nomadic people in this area, and brightly coloured rock paintings met us. We were able to photograph inside (except for the mummies) and I have taken photos of photographs depicting many things one could still see today along other parts of the Old Silk Road.   I would love to come back to see this stuff in situ e.g. through Uzbekestan.


On the plane to Xian, we finally take off after nearly an hour on the ground, the original reason for which was "waiting for two passengers who are late!" Deanne has been upgraded the premium economy - not sure what she did to deserve that. She is slimmer than Catriona or me.

Catriona and I are bored stiff waiting for take off, so I suggest we write captions on the ads and photographs in the Chinese flight magazine. At least we have a good laugh and maybe it will entertain some later English speaking person. Or the Chinese might try guessing what we wrote.

Our driver, complete with BBB (big black Buick) was on hand to meet us and take us to the splendid Shangri-la Hotel. Thanks Suzie Mann, it's great. The driver announces that it will be 14 minutes to the hotel. Catriona looks at her watch and says "OK, go!"    Smooth as, but given the goading from Catriona he hits 140 Kph at one stage and it is 10.30pm.
Immediate impression of Xian is that it is much cleaner and more pristine than Urumqi. And spring is much more advanced here with green leaves and blossoms in abundance. Of course that also adds to the appealing impression.

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