Saturday, 30 March 2013

Tuesday March 26

Wuhan is very cold and we arrived last night in icy rain. This morning it's back into the thermals for a bus ride to the Buddhist Temple in 6 degrees. Streets are still madness traffic wise and I do not know how people survive on bicycles. Or for that matter, how there aren't many pedestrian casualties every day with the silent electric motor scooters which drive on footpaths or up one way streets the wrong way.

The Guiyuann Buddhist Temple, first built in the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) is very reminiscent of Buddhist temples in Bhutan but thronging with visitors who all pay and entrance fee even to come in and worship.  I was half price being over 60!    No one revered me as an elder though.   Most of the many people are local Buddhists, there to worship.

It does take a long time to get anywhere here with the traffic and the big city and we must go to pick up Timothy from Kindy on the way home.

This evening, we go on a bus again to meet Scott after work at a great little eating house. We have magnificent dumplings and beer and are joined by Jo Jo, a good friend of Scott and Kerryn.

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